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NationStates OOC

Started by clandrox, November 25, 2019, 05:11:08 PM

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Quote from: Valkyrie on November 30, 2019, 09:06:25 AM
Why would you kill someone who's lived for 1800 years and has so much to teach everyone else  :NotLikeCat:

Also I should probably let you know now, since it's been going on for so long, that the Sylh in my nation name has an H :P
Hooray for being blind
King Of Subadent and Her Trees, Speaker of Their Language Wucelapan.


Sylh Alanor is that better Valkyrie???
King Of Subadent and Her Trees, Speaker of Their Language Wucelapan.


You are a good, Subaduba  :heart:


When you get called something that sounds like tuba so you have conifer flashbacks :NotLikeCat:
King Of Subadent and Her Trees, Speaker of Their Language Wucelapan.


I'm still not entirely sure how I would RP in this thread. I'd have to RP as literally myself in the FT universe.


Quote from: Wisdom on December 01, 2019, 10:21:17 PM
I'm still not entirely sure how I would RP in this thread. I'd have to RP as literally myself in the FT universe.
King Of Subadent and Her Trees, Speaker of Their Language Wucelapan.


Y'all I can't geography.
I'm sorry.



King Of Subadent and Her Trees, Speaker of Their Language Wucelapan.


Question, does this RP use the current regional map?


King Of Subadent and Her Trees, Speaker of Their Language Wucelapan.


Luca may have caught it, but if nobody caught it, it's not a problem.

Just based off of Luca's question


I have the whole coronation scene set out btw for when yall arrive
King Of Subadent and Her Trees, Speaker of Their Language Wucelapan.


Quote from: mads on December 02, 2019, 02:42:41 PM
Luca may have caught it, but if nobody caught it, it's not a problem.

Just based off of Luca's question
Just asked for my own inscrutable purposes :3


I assume that it's either the idea that elves are in Refuge Isle or that Wintergreen is going significantly far by boat when we have travel gates.


Quote from: Valkyrie on December 02, 2019, 02:47:00 PM
I assume that it's either the idea that elves are in Refuge Isle or that Wintergreen is going significantly far by boat when we have travel gates.
King Of Subadent and Her Trees, Speaker of Their Language Wucelapan.


I kinda fucked up and yes.
Geography bad, but hey, it can still work because who know how wrong the dang boat captain can be.
Also the ignorance of travel gates is purposeful, Wintergreen is afraid of them, considering that the Council likes to use magic, despite certain members lack of skill.
