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Topics - Aav

Hello Refugia! Something I have come to realize is that confusingly, while I occupy the Refugia Arch-Administrator position, the Refugia Revised Statutes actually says that Luca is the Arch-Administrator because this is written into text.

We should fix that. I therefore propose the following amendment to the Refugia Revised Statutes:
Quote7. The Regional Council is defined as the co-equal heads of government in Refugia. It is comprised of the following:

The Arch-Administrator, defined as Refuge Isle A Million Dreams, which acts as the head of state for the Region for any legal or foreign circumstance which requires such. This Councillor shall:
General Discussion / Minecraft!
May 09, 2023, 11:06:27 PM
Thanks to Maddie we now have a Minecraft server again. You can find the connection info here on the Discord.

But we need a trade thread! How else are we to engage in nonsense trades, such as sixteen lily pads for four raw copper? In seriousness, people have stuff, and other people have stuff that *those* people want. So they'll need to exchange it. This is an attempt to bring chaos to chaos and let people have a "shop" for their shit. Toss up a "for trade" post and I will edit a link to it into this OP here so that people know what you have.

Get mining!
Refugia / [Passed] You Have No Power Here
October 22, 2022, 10:00:27 PM

You Have No Power Here

Whereas RRS 3 states that ejection notices must be publicly reported for Residents;
Whereas it is unclear if they must be published for banning non-residents;
Whereas embassy collector spam is dumb and we hate it;
Therefore enacts the following amendment:

RRS 3. The reasoning for all ejections of Residents must be publicly reported by the responsible party, and the ejected nation may appeal the ejection by soliciting a review to the Regional Council.
  • An appeal vote must be concluded within seven days or with all Councillors having voted.
  • An appeal vote is considered approved if it has less than two Against votes.
  • The banning of Non-Resident nations shall not require public reporting.

Authored by: A Million Dreams
Seconded by: Tiralta