
Grandpa Ant Says: Plant anything you find! You never know when it will become a bigger version of itself in three weeks.

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Messages - Emily

All good points, am editing now.
General Discussion / Re: General Discussion
November 25, 2019, 02:51:30 PM
Hi friends!

I wanted to let you all know that, as of today, Pillowfort is allowing current beta users to generate links for new members who can't afford or don't want to pay the $5 closed beta fee. Have you been wanting to check out the community? You should do it now! Here are three links, just let me know if you use one so I can mark it off as used.

Thanks in advance :heart: we can be friendos if you follow me here.

Invite links:
The Stamp Society looks so great, you did an amazing job! I really love the interior roof, I took many pictures of it and from different angles around it.

I did nothing of note today  :raz:
General Discussion / Re: General Discussion
November 23, 2019, 06:16:56 PM
I would hope for a Skyward Sword remake only because it would mean I could play it again. I hope to never use another wii-mote in my life :rofl:
Quote from: Wisdom on November 22, 2019, 10:31:52 PMGod are you okay?

:hawww: :hawww: :hawww: :hawww:

Why yes, I'm entirely fine. I've been basking in the glow of the STAMP SOCIETY, why do you ask?
Hooray progress!

I've also made sifnificant progress on my Maple Farms project. All but two seeds and seventeen tree crops have been obtained (which means I've obtained... 118 crops and begun growing them). At this rate, I will only need 52 emeralds to buy the remaining purchaseable seeds, and eventually we'll stumble across some sunflowers in the wild.

At the moment all 118 above-stated crops are growing, which means I have been able to harvest and prepare them for shipping! To the western side of the STAMP SOCIETY, in front of my staging area, you will find four chests filled with goodies. These are free to anyone who wants them, as long as one is left in the box at all times (so I can have an easier time restocking). Emerald donations are always appreciated but completely unnecessary.

I'm hoping that once I have all of my planting and harvesting routines set, I can begin making more complex meals and placing them in the STAMP SOCIETY kitchen for widespread consumption. I've already begun doing this spread across two chests, one ethical and one unethical  :raz: If you have any questions or need any help with figuring out Pam's Harvestcraft, don't hesitate to ask me here or in-game :heart:
Spam / Re: Corruption Game
November 22, 2019, 08:04:33 PM
Granted. They're full of zombies!

I wish getting all the trees in Harvestcraft wasn't so expensive!
Spam / Re: Three Words Only
November 22, 2019, 08:03:54 PM
-because who wouldn't?-
Spam / Three Words Only
November 21, 2019, 09:38:34 PM
Hello friends, today we attempt to begin telling a story cooperatively. But this is different from an RP, as each of us will be limited to contributing only three words. Use punctuation as appropriate, it won't count toward your word goal. Good job Emily sticking to your sphere of authority, nailed it.

There once was
I will be happy to provide pumpkin spice lattes and hot tea for anyone who will want to ingest it during the festivities.

Also may I have some arrows.
Thank you Maddie :heart:

You can also get emeralds through mining, though you can usually only find them in extreme hill biomes, like where my resource-gathering base has been.
Thank you for all this hard work, it's made me so happy to ride out and gather seed gardens ^-^

To anyone who might want their own seeds or plants but doesn't want to travel several kilometres to do so, I have a market block set up at my construction site. I will eventually have plenty of seeds to give out, but right now I'm a bit low. The market block requires 1 emerald per seed or 3 emeralds per sapling (for trees that grow crops of their own).

Emerald donations are also appreciated so I can eventually have at least one of everything.
That's a good point. Editing now.
Roleplay / Re: OoC: A Voice from the Storm
November 19, 2019, 06:44:28 PM
Hello friend! :heart: I'm glad you're interested in joining us. Between Luca's and my summary posts, I think we've just about given all the information going on up to this point. Most recently in the game, my character Rizali, along with Luca's character Kaegan and Jess's character Cathal, have formed a party of sorts and are getting ready to cross Kingfisher Forest.

If you're meaning how to jump into an RP more generally, I've written a How to Roleplay thread for CalRef-style RPs. It touches mostly upon how we approach and think about RPing here.

If you're instead meaning how to get started on this RP in particular, then just start brainstorming a character and an introduction. Currently we have an illusion mage who has no combat skills (Riza), a swordsman who just recently realised he's capable of magic (Cathal), a forest sprite who hasn't revealed any particular abilities as of yet (Leeva), a young runaway who's half-decent with a shortsword (Cathal), and a hulking berserker with a massive two-handed kora sword (Lyndh, who's an NPC). If you want to design a character around any party openings you see, I encourage it, or if you want to make a character who's similar to one that's already there, that's absolutely fine as well. I aim for people having fun far more than I aim for party balance.

Also if you're the character adoption type, you can take Lyndh. He's detailed in the second half of this post. He was hired by Rizali in Coxarif, the nation's capital, as a bodyguard while they travelled west. He's revealed very little of his personality, so you'd have a mostly open book :)
Quote from: Wisdom on November 18, 2019, 07:02:03 AMUnrelated, I'm planning on adding Pam's Harvestcraft within the next several days.
Plernts  :heppy:
I think it's a great idea :) is there anything you need from me, like supplies or materials?

Also where do you want to put it
Roleplay / Re: OoC: A Voice from the Storm
November 17, 2019, 08:16:53 AM
Luca provides an incredible summary of characters! :heart: :heart:
REA IS BACK! :heart: :heart:
Cas hasn't forgotten about us! :heart: :heart:

Quote from: Casimir on November 17, 2019, 07:56:01 AMI'd love to hear more about the worldbuilding behind the village, Kyrie. Worldbuilding everything to the smallest detail is the best. Peat bogs :heart:

Oh no, I think I've done quite enough :laughing: I've shared all I need to. Further information can always go into the wiki should it ever prove relevant.

PREAMBLE. This document presents guidelines and goals for Refugia and its Regional Councillors.

In continuity with Refugia's ambition of maintaining an efficient and active government presence, the Refugia Revised Statutes shall be incremented such that:

1. Abiding existing election procedural guidelines, RRS 9 and 10 shall be changed to RRS 10 and 11.

The Refugia Revised Statutes shall be amended as to create:

- Guidelines for Maintained Activity of Regional Officers -

2. RRS 9. At any time, a Member State can charge a Regional Councillor of neglect in their duties or mismanagement of their position. Their charge will be submitted in writing to the Arch-Administrator only after a second member state has seconded the motion. This charge must contain:
  • A list of grievances against the accused.
  • Argument as to why these grievances should result in the removal of the accused prior to the next election.

If all requirements laid out in RRS 4(c), 9, 9(a), and 9(b) are met, the Arch-Administrator will call for a vote of "No Confidence" among the member states. If this vote passes by a simple majority, a new election will be called for that Council seat within the following five days. The previous seat holder can run again granted they qualify under circumstances detailed in RRS 8a.

Authored by Sylh Alanor

Previous Version(s):
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Spam / Re: Corruption Game
November 15, 2019, 01:10:15 PM
Granted, but now there's global cooling. ❄️❄️❄️

I wish we were writing more!
Refugia / Re: Good news, everyone!
November 15, 2019, 08:09:56 AM
That's also coming along very nicely :3

That huge dip is the end of October, which means not only have we dug ourselves out of the hole at the end of the month, but also significantly surpassed our previous high in just the first two weeks of November.