[at vote] The Culture of the Romans I: Corinthians

Started by Luca, December 03, 2024, 08:48:25 PM

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The Culture of the Romans I: Corinthians

PREAMBLE. The Culture of the Romans is a reform arc based on the idea that the RSS has become swole and should be smaller so that it doesn't scare the children, however it must become smaller in a way that does not allow it to become worse. In reality, the Culture of the Romans was about conquest and pillaging things to prop up their economy that was, itself, not self-sufficient, but that's not as fun to theme your legal reform on;

The Region regards the legal section on Member States to be overly verbose,

Consequently revises RRS 4 through RRS 6 in their entirety to the following content:

Member States:

RRS 4. Member States are defined as Residents with both a residency of no less than seven days and a continuous World Assembly membership over the same period.
  • A Member State can only lose its status if it is no longer a Resident or no longer a World Assembly member.

RRS 5. Residents may apply for Member State status in cases where World Assembly is impossible if they have resided within the Region of no less than fourteen days and receive the unanimous approval from the Regional Council.
  • An exempted Member State can only lose Member State status if it accrues influence in another region or requests its status to be terminated.

RRS 6. Member States are entitled to submit revisions to the Refugia Revised Statutes, including this document in its entirety by Regional referendum, with all Member States entitled to a vote.
  • Proposals must be supported by at least one other Member State, called a Second.
  • Referendums must be accessible to all Member States, last seven days, include the option to abstain, and be correspondingly enacted or discarded on conclusion.
  • An author whose proposal has been defeated suffers a seven day cooldown on another referendum submission.

Authored by: Refuge Isle
Seconded by:


Quote from: LucaI maintain my assessment, sans Obama