Rats (and also I love you)

Started by Catherine, October 25, 2023, 03:01:39 PM

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This is a kinda sad and probably rambly one, sorry in advance friendos!

Four years ago today, a good friend of mine died, and so I've been feeling really sad about that this evening. They loved rats and art and mostly they loved their friends. We met on a forum and never got to meet in person, although we both drew each other pictures of us hanging out together and sent them to each other.

I've also been doing a lot of thinking today, and I think the best way to honour their memory is to tell my friends that I love them.

And CalRef, you are all friends that I love. I'm not very good at telling you as often as you deserve, but I do mean it. This community is one where I have fun and love talking to you all. I think you're all so cool and interesting and talented at so many things. I love hearing you all talk about the stuff you love, even when, especially when I don't really know anything about the topic. There are so many times you've made me laugh till I've cried. I love how everyone here uses their talents to try to do nice things for other people and to make this world a more interesting, creative and welcoming place to exist.

I know resolutions are typically a new year's thing, but I do not recognise the dictatorship of the Gregorian calendar, so I'm resolving to be better at telling you that I think you're great, and why I think you're great. Cause y'all are important to me, and it's important to me that you know it.

Anyway, please enjoy these cute rats and tell the folks you love that you love them.

Good morning friends and foes